Friday, May 20, 2011

study questions for final examination

  • “we believe that the history of ideas must be coupled with a concrete knowledge of the events that took place at the same time”.
    From this point of view,  how do we explain the genius of Leonardo Da Vinci ? Discuss briefly.
  • Discuss humanistic and nationalistic elements laying behind the Reformation.
  •  What is Scholasticism? When was this school of thought dominated western intellectual history? What was its perception of world? 
  • What were the intellectual and material basis of Scientific Revolution? Why Ottoman civilisation could not achieve this revolution? Answer this question by considering the quotation from David Hume given below:
Another advantage of industry and of refinements in the mechanical arts, is, that they commonly produce some refinements in the liberal; nor can one be carried to perfection, without being accompanied, in some degree, with the other. The same age, which produces great philosophers and politicians, renowned generals and poets, usually abounds with skilful weavers, and ship-carpenters. We cannot reasonably expect, that a piece of woollen cloth will be wrought to perfection in a nation, which is ignorant of astronomy, or where ethics are neglected. The spirit of the age affects all the arts; and the minds of men, being once roused from their lethargy, and put into a fermentation, turn themselves on all sides, and carry improvements into every art and science. (David Hume, Of Refinement of Arts, 1742)
  • What were the basic differences between Machiavelli and Thomas More’s thought?
  • Discuss eart-centred universe model in terms of historical context in which it appeared? What did Ptoleme assert in his Almagest? When and Where?
  • Who did build sun-centered universe model? What was the name of his book? When was it published?
  • What was the contribution of Kepler to scientific revolution?
  • What were the sources of Galileo’s investigations?
  • What was the role of geometry and mathematics in deductive method of Hobbes and Descartes?
  • What is axiom?
  • Why British thought developed in the direction of inductive method? Discuss by considering historical experiences of this country?
  • Compare the solutions of Luther , Hobbes, Locke and Rousseau for political order?
  • What were the main steps of methodological approach of Descartes?
  • Who were the physiocrats? What was their role in the development of political economy? How did they influence Adam Smith?What is “invisible hand”? How does invisible hand operate in Adam Smith’s model?
  • Do you think that Adam Smith agrees with the idea of “private vices made public benefits” that formulated by Bernard Mandeville?
  • How did French enlightenment contribute French revolution ?
  • What is “encyclopedia”? When was it first published? What was the idea laying behind this project? How were encyclopedists influenced by British empricisists?
  • Was there any direct relations between Industrial revolution and The Royal Society? Discuss why?
  • What were the similarities of Puritan Revolution and French Revolution?
  • Define the followings briefly: (who did say that; in which book and in which context)
  1. Tabula rasa:
  2. Homo homini lupus:
  3. Cogito ergo sum:


ozge said...

hocam final için 5 soru daha vereceğim demiştiniz.
ne zaman yayınlarsınız soruları?

Anonymous said...

you are marvelous!!
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